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Election Results 2006

My People,

As a superhero, Keeferman ran on a platform of law & order. With the notable exception of the protection of individual civil liberties, Keeferman considers “rule of law” the foundation of the American way of life. Our success and our future successes are bound to it’s vigorousness. Recently however, monied interests have combined with corrupt incumbents to cast deep, dark shadows upon our national landscape. Enron and the Abramoff scandals are only the tip of the iceberg. There is more work to be done. Also, as much as radical Islam (among others) is a threat from overseas, so too is the threat of radical Conservatism a danger from within. FREEDOM goes hand-in-hand with the rule of law in our American system. “Progress” is the key word in any consideration of our future. God bless America.

I’m sorry to report that, despite your support, Keeferman did not outright win any positions this election cycle. However, Keeferman does consider the progress we’ve made (on this completely spontaneous project) to be a “win” in and of itself. The Establishment and the powers-that-be are now on notice. No longer may special interests or monied conglomorates wield unadulterated influence over our government. No longer may allegedly silent majorities impose tyranny upon a tolerant populace. The will of the people has been expressed rather vociferously over the past couple of years. Yesterday it became a resounding chorus. “You Are On Notice!” We will not go quietly into that good night.

As you know, Keeferman (being of the people, by the people, and for the people) is a moderate liberal. Make no mistake, there are some Democratic Party platform issues with which Keeferman disagrees vehemently and Keeferman considers his objective moderation one of his primary strengths. That said, Keeferman finds himself very optimistic about the new national political picture. A strong believer in “balanced government”, Keeferman appreciates the checks and balances of politically divided Executive and Legislative branches. Right now the Democrats have won the House. The Senate is still up for grabs. As of this morning the Senate is tied at 49-49 with two races too close to call. It’s looking favorable though (insha Allah). In Montana the opposition party are up by less than 1%. In Virginia they’re up by less than 1%. (It will, however, be weeks before all the certification processes are done and winners declared.)

In short: it’s a new dawn on a new day in America.

Allah akbar and God bless America.



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